shutterstock_150840713In the end, it’s all about your injuries and losses. The presentation of damages to gain compensation goes far beyond the amount of your medical bills. It even goes beyond the amount of your lost wages, the length and nature of your treatment, any marks or scars you may be left with. No two clients are alike.

Mr. Zimmerman prides himself in representing the person and not just the case. He takes the time to learn who you are, what you do and what you value, what your life was like before the accident, what you lost that was of importance to you. He does so in order to present more than the dry facts of your treatment, the dates and doctors’ names, and types of therapy. Those facts represent only a small part of the story.

He knows how to present the grandfather denied fishing trips with his grandson, the mother unable to care for her children, the wife lacking the man around the house to fix the leaking faucet, the husband having to learn how to do the food shopping and the laundry. He presents the nights you couldn’t sleep due to pain, the shoe you couldn’t tie, the bags you couldn’t lift, the softball games you had to miss. He presents the days spent worrying about how you would pay the mortgage or the rent. The embarrassment of not being able to carry a book bag at school. The disappointment of missing out on life, on pleasure, on happiness.

Mr. Zimmerman gains his excellent recoveries because he goes the added mile, goes to the effort of knowing you as a person he truly cares about and them making sure the adjuster, the judge, the jury, knows and ares about you just as much. He tells your story for you.



My five Point Pledge

My five Point Pledge

  1. You will pay no fee or costs unless I get you a recovery.
  2. There will be no fee for your initial consultation.
  3. Your case will be handled by me personally.
  4. I will be available to you seven days a week.
  5. I will get the best result possible for your case.
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